While the Rangers investigate BuzzBlast for Sporix activity, Amelia suffers an accident and believes she is jinxed. Following this, she ends up suffering more accidents when she attempts to engage Sporix Beast Smashstone, during which she loses her morpher to Mucus. Using the morpher, Void Knight plans to access Dinohenge and steal the Rangers' Sporix while Smashstone distracts them. Meanwhile, still traumatized by her "bad luck", Amelia opts not to join her comrades in battling the monster. However, Solon helps her focus on life's positives before Amelia foils Boomtower's raid and forces him to retreat. Joining her comrades to fight an enlarged Smashstone, Amelia formulates a new Megazord formation to defeat Smashstone, with Izzy claiming his Sporix before Boomtower can.